Remember “the school run” is more likely to be conducted by women - so safe school walking, scooting & cycling routes is an equalities issue.
Despite a small proportion of driving, the ‘school run’ can be c25% of ALL traffic. A more sustainable school run helps everyone!
How do Edinburgh kids get to school?
Most walk and more scoot & cycle than the Scottish average
60%+ kids at independent schools are driven for some/all of school run: distance & wealth likely factors
taxi/bus understandably features heavily for SEN pupils
Does the data change as kids get older?
In short yes!
As they get more independent older they are driven less and walk & use buses more, despite increase in distance with larger catchments.
Secondary kids cycle less and won’t be seen dead on a scooter!
The majority of every age group walk or use active travel.
What are the trends?
Largely it's pretty static!
No significant movement since 2008. Hardly surprising as there haven't been many big interventions?
Direct car use has dropped, slightly, but been replaced with park & stride - better but not great bus use dropping
Will this be arrested by free bus travel
Data source: Hands Up Scotland survey. Note: very large & consistent samples so this data is solid - 455k kids across Scotland took part. Scottish results below.