We’re inviting you - to our first meeting for prospective members
When: 8pm, 21st November 2022
Where: Downstairs, Colinton Inn
At the meeting you can hear about SW20, how you might be able to get involved and then consider whether you’d like to become a member. We’re keen for new skills, experience and enthusiasm and for locals to have their say on local campaigns and projects - all with a single aim to live better locally.
You may have heard of the local community cargo bike scheme, or our thoughts on social media about local projects – come along and get involved.
Please let us know if you can come along so we can confirm numbers at hellosw20@gmail.com
Feel free to come with ideas!
What is SW20:
SW20: South West Edinburgh 20 Minute Neighbourhoods. Mission: to live better locally and promote 20 minute neighbourhoods in South West Edinburgh.
1. Create inclusive, resilient and accessible communities with thriving local businesses and services
2. Enable local people to choose more sustainable ways to access local businesses, transport, public services, schools and green spaces.
3. Help reduce the effects of inactivity, air pollution and climate change.